Thursday, January 17, 2013

Is It That Time Again? (Zurvita-Cleanse Dietary Supplement)

So we all know that from time to time we all need to take a deep look within ourselves and reeeeeaaaaalllllyyyyyy except the fact that we need to clean ourselves out! It's nothing to be ashamed's reality, it's natural and it's normal.  But seriously......when WAS the last time your unclogged your pipes? Lets talk about some causes of constipation.

Lets Talk About The Basics:
1.) Having a low fiber diet
2.) Not drinking enough water EACH day
3.) Ignoring your urge to go....please don't do that to yourself :-(
4.) Laxative Overuse... Please ALWAYS follow the directions...overuse can cause dependency; meaning your body wont function properly without them because of the over usage
5.) Too much dairy!...A diet high in cheese and other low-fiber/high-fat foods such as eggs and meat can slow down your digestion. Balance is key
6.) There's many many more but I will stop here......

So What Are You To Do?

I honestly do not know how many times you should have a cleanse...but...what I will say is...  you should at LEAST cleanse TWICE a year. The first half and then the  second half. Also doing the opposite of everything that was mentioned up above and or just balancing everything should put you in the clear...... BUT if that's simply just not enough...I have something here for you! :) It's  Zurvita very own Cleanse System! It comes in tablet form and has 30 in a bottle. It is an Herbal & Probiotic Detox. What does this mean? Well................ :-D
I am just a consumer of these products. I am NOT an EXPERT a NUTRITIONIST and or a SCIENTIST! Haha! I  just know that this works and it has helped me overall and thoroughly. So instead of me trying to explain this to you, I would rather show you the facts. Click Here or look below:

*Note* The statements below are from Zurvita official website.

                                                         Zeal Cleanse
"The Restorer
Zeal Cleanse
An optimally performing digestive system is critical to good health. Zeal Cleanse is an herbal and probiotic cleanse that will help detoxify your body and restore your digestive system to a healthy state.
It is essential that our digestive processes are working well in order to successfully lose weight and maintain your optimal weight.
Herbal Detox:
The human body contains its own unique detoxification system that eliminates waste. This amazing filtration system helps flush toxins out of your body to keep you healthy. Zeal Cleanse contains natural herbs proven to help cleanse and detoxify your body. These herbs include:
  • Juniper Berry Fruit
  • Couchgrass Rhizome
  • Milk Thistle
  • Buchu Leaf
  • Uva Ursi Leaf
  • Hydrangea Root
  • Cornsilk Husks
  • Senna Leaf Extract
  • Cascara Sagandra Bark Extract
  • Aloe Vera Barbadensis
Ancient physicians recognized the benefits of fermented foods and sour milk for digestive balance. They may not have understood how probiotics work, but they recognized the benefits to our health. Modern science has shown us that supporting flora balance in the intestines and digestive tract helps ensure long-term wellness, a healthy immune system, and digestion.
Probiotics, or "friendly bacteria" as they are now affectionately known are just that, and new research shows that they could just be your best friend in helping to lose weight. They are micro-organisms indigenous to the intestinal tracts of humans and animals, living in symbiosis with our bodies. These benevolent bacteria make up the majority of the microflora in our intestines, playing a vital role in maintaining digestive health. For the most part, unhealthy gut flora is caused by antibiotics and a diet of processed and junk foods and the habit of eating 'on the go' also upsets intestinal homeostasis.
To achieve this, Zeal cleanse contains the probiotic Bacillus coagulans which is a type of "friendly" bacteria.

What I would love to tell you is that you can choose a gentle cleanse with these tablets by taking one a day or if you REALLY want a more rapid and quicker cleanse it is recommended that you take three tablets a day for ten days in a row. So your next question may be.....

How Or What Were MY Results With This
Well I will tell you! My results were veeeerrrrrryyyyyy positive! I felt very clean afterwards. I didn't do the rapid cleanse...I just took the tablets once a day. I did notice I had a more regular movement through out the day. It was very gentle on my stomach and didn't have me tied over in bunches and in knots. It did the job and it was just that simple!  So I hope this review has helped you in making your decision in using this cleanse product! I love it! It works and it's safe that's all that matters to me! Until next time! So just in case if you would like to give this a try just click here! Chow!


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